Threats of plastic

Most of the companies use plastic for their products and packaging. However, plastic contains toxins, which bring harm to the environment. There are the threats of plastic, which should be taken into account when manufacturing products:

  • It is impossible that plastic biodegrades. Once people throw away any things made of plastic, it will stay in the ground millions for years and only break down into small pieces.
  • Plastic is also dangerous for human health because of toxins that poison people. It results in cancer, birth defects or endocrine disruption, etc.
  • Even small creatures, like plankton, eat plastic because it is also in the water. People use fish as food and different countries, which brings more risks to human health. Besides, fish absorbs the dangerous chemical elements from plastic, which is also a threat to marine species.
  • The same happens to animals. They eat because of thinking that it is food. It is dangerous as animals die because of eating plastic, which does not digest.
  • Plastic cannot biodegrade. Dozens of factories use discard more than 20 millions of plastic. It does not go away. Some factories recycle plastic, but it mainly stays in the ground.

Therefore, manufacturers from around the world should take the situation over. Some of them already looking for ways on how to replace plastic in their products and packaging. We should care about the planet where we live!